"The Naterator" Acrylic on Canvas Artwork by Nathan Image
"The Naterator" by Nathan is a 17"x21" piece created at a Hope Creates "Make Your MARC" event.

Artist Statement:
"Spiders. They have legs. Spiders and my art both pop out at you. Spiders are unique and freaky. I don’t like spiders, but I find them intriguing. My guitar has bright colors on it, but the spiders stand out even more against the contrasting color. My spider drawings are inspired by Spiderman. The first time I drew a spider I was thinking about Spiderman. 

No one has to like art. You do you. Follow your passion. Art is a valuable outlet for some people to express themselves. It is valuable to me, yet do what you love. When that changes, do something else. 

Art is an important coping skill for me. My sister taught me how to draw. It’s her passion and she showed me how to find my passion. It’s like working out–you get so pumped up you just lift some weights. In this case, it’s drawing. I have a big idea and have to get it out. It gives me something to reach for. 

This program has helped me know what I want to do with art. My sister taught me, and I want to do better."

"The Naterator" Acrylic on Canvas Artwork by Nathan

Item #41




Donated By:

Hope Creates