"Untitled" Acrylic on Canvas Artwork by Kyah Image
"Untitled" by Kyah is a 17"x21" piece created at a Hope Creates "Make Your MARC" event.

Artist Statement:
"The image I painted on my guitar represents a sunrise with all the colors that are in the sky at dawn. For me, this symbolizes that there will be another day. That day is coming. The butterflies represent life. They are my spirit animal. When I see butterflies, they always make me feel calm. This guitar represents me trying to do better. I am involved in something that will better me through Make Your M.A.R.C. Now I know that with everything I’ve been through, there will be another day, and I just have to push through knowing that. 

When I make art, it slows down my brain and I can finally hear myself. Listening to music always calms me. Learning to play music has been fun. It has also been kind of difficult, yet a good challenge. Yes, it is stressful to learn to play music for me, and it takes time to learn, yet I can do it. 

I could really relate to the speakers a lot. Wow! Did these speakers turn their lives around! I’ve had problems too. Yet the speakers showed me that you can turn your life around by just trying."

"Untitled" Acrylic on Canvas Artwork by Kyah

Item #45




Donated By:

Hope Creates