"Untitled" Acrylic on Canvas by Jack  Image
"Untitled" by Jack is a piece made from house paint on plywood. 20. 5" W x 33" H.

Artist Statement:
"Exploration: This piece wasn’t inspired by anything specific. My process was to be completely void of anything tangible. I wanted to make things using only my emotions and whatever was around me in the moment. I didn’t think, plan, or use any accurate art techniques. 

I just picked up some stuff and made a mess on some drywall. It’s punk, yet also honest. I was glorifying scribbles, and I did that as an exercise to expand my friends’ views on what art is and can be. 

You shouldn’t have to wrap yourself in a bow to be understood. You should be able to be at your worst or best and have others be able to look into you for a deeper story and understanding. This piece is the piece that inspired me to start taking art seriously because I had so much fun making it. Not too long after I decided to go for it."

"Untitled" Acrylic on Canvas by Jack

Item #52




Donated By:

Hope Creates