"Stars" Original Piece on Wood by Lex Image
"Stars" by Lex is latex paint on plywood. 9" W x 49" H.

Artist Statement:
"The Moment. The Connection.: My art is about how I feel in the moment, what feels right. The art works through me. I never have an idea in mind until I start. There’s no specific process for making my art. I show up and it pops into my head. I never know how it will all turn out until I have the finished product. It’s cool to see what comes out from inside. 

If I’m stuck, I put the words in my head on paper or play music. That connects me to how I am feeling and allows for depth and clarity to come through. I can clear my head – stop thinking too much. Art is a form of release. Its quieting effects lasts for days. Painting, music, writing – all give me natural highs. I didn’t think I could paint, didn’t think I was good enough, yet I am. I can do it!

Writing is my favorite art form. If I’m stuck, I start putting words on paper about how I feel. I find my way into my thoughts. It allows me to go deep and connect with myself. Music also helps me feel on a spiritual level. I hope that my art shifts people, yet that’s up to them to decide. If a person is open to it, art, music and writing can inspire a connection on a spiritual level. When I am painting or making music I feel it spiritually.

Through Hope Creates I’m also able to be with my friends and watch them doing what they love to do. We make our art simply for the joy of it. It brings us closer and connects us through fun and through self-expression. We all get to see each other in unique ways, without words because it’s non-verbal. Our community art allows us to show things about ourselves that we wouldn’t normally see or talk about."

"Stars" Original Piece on Wood by Lex

Item #56




Donated By:

Hope Creates