"Untitled" Acrylic on Canvas Artwork by MacKenzie  Image
"Untitled" by MacKenzie is a 17"x21" piece created at a Hope Creates "Make Your MARC" event.

Artist Statement:
"My canvas reflects a whole bunch of different emotions: depression, stress, calm. I was feeling all of these while I was painting. I made my guitar to represent horror because I like horror movies. I used black and red because these colors are always in horror movies. It’s the thrill and the fun – and roller coasters have the same effect. When the movie or the roller coaster ride is over, I feel like my life is more normal in contrast.

Since this class, I communicate more. Before, I only created on my phone – not on canvas and never on a guitar. I isolated and was always in my room and on my phone, not outside or learning. Now I feel more alive.

Before Make Your M.A.R.C., I thought of art as just paint and colors. Now, I know that other kids are going through the same problems as me, and that is cool to know I am not alone. It’s hard for all of us, and art has helped everyone open up. 

Today, art is more meaningful to me. I realize that each art piece has meaning. Life can be hard – as they say, it is not always rainbows and unicorns. I have had moments in my life that were horrific, and I wanted my guitar to represent that. It is scary. I literally painted it with my hands on it, and this represents some of my horror. The hands also represent the attempt to escape. After I painted it, I felt relieved that I did it. 

Making music and art provides an escape for me. I feel free doing it. It helps me be able to express how I feel. Initially, I didn’t want to be in this program. I even said I didn’t want to be here. I was not into anything really. Yet now, I am willing to be here – I want to be here. If you don’t want to make art, you don’t have to. But if you do care about something, care about something meaningful. I believe that making art and music is important – put effort into it, care, dig deep, because every piece has a story behind it. It matters."

"Untitled" Acrylic on Canvas Artwork by MacKenzie

Item #59




Donated By:

Hope Creates