"Galaxy" Original Piece, Spray Paint on Canvas by Monica  Image
"Galaxy" by Monica is spray paint on canvas. 24" W x 30" H.

Artist Statement:
"Perfect Imperfection: Making art is a time when I can fully be myself – without fear of judgement. It gives me a release from emotions. Art isn’t about anything in particular – no pressure. It’s more about looking at the world in a different way and appreciating the beauty in small things we take for granted, that people tend to overlook. 

When a piece is finished, I want the viewer to feel something when they look at my art. I want my art to make people stop, think and appreciate the work.

Art is a joyful way to express my thoughts and feelings without words. Viewers have many individual interpretations based on what they person want to see or are looking to find. Art allows me to connect and communicate with diverse people. My intention is to evoke emotion, no matter what it is. 

I think that art is a connector that provides people with the realization that no one is alone. In the past, I saw myself as terminally unique and lonely. I believed that others didn’t understand what I was going through. However, through art and my recovery, I find that others relate to my experience and are moved by their reflection on their own experiences. 

Through working on my recovery, I am finding my way, and that I am okay with my imperfections. Art is perfect imperfections, the drips and overspray represent that it is okay to be imperfect and a bit of a mess at times. It is okay to have some rough edges because even rough edges have inherent beauty in their own way."

"Galaxy" Original Piece, Spray Paint on Canvas by Monica

Item #60




Donated By:

Hope Creates