"Rambo" Original Photography by Blake  Image
"Rambo" by Blake is an original photography print. 17.5" W x 14" H.

Artist Statement:
"Before (Active Addiction)

“The road to hell is paved with good intentions” 

– Saint Bernard of Clairvaux 

Imprisoned by my own thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Enslaved by my own human instincts. I made plans and had intentions to make a positive change, yet I kept finding myself going further down the rabbit hole. Life before sobriety was dark, bland, eerie, and frightening. I got caught in a vicious cycle. Chaos controlled me. I felt hopeless. I never thought anyone would ever tell me, “I’m proud of you, Blake.” I told myself I was a burden. Those I surrounded myself with were like me and I still felt as if I had no one. I was lonely. I had destroyed my life, thrown it all away, and could not understand why. Lost, I “couldn’t find my way home.”

After (Recovery)

“God writes straight with crooked lines.” 

– Spanish Proverb 

Hitting my bottom, admitting my powerlessness, and asking for help was the hardest yet best decision I ever made. This choice led me on a path full of many challenges to overcome. Luckily I’ve had help along the way, and I’m no longer alone. Those I trusted in my past screwed me over. However, in recovery, I’ve experienced the complete opposite. My trust in others and working my twelve-step program has brought love into my life. I started seeing positive change in myself like I’d never seen before. Love took on a new meaning, and I witnessed a Higher Power working in my life and through me. I have healthy relationships with family and friends. I am connected. I see life in vivid colors. 

Through my photography I enjoy capturing these beautiful moments that I am now able to experience. My problems today don’t compare to my problems before sobriety. Relative to my past, “I have no worries.”"

"Rambo" Original Photography by Blake

Item #63


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Donated By:

Blake - Bullivant Gallery and Consulting